5 minutes with… Daisy Tonge

A travelling yoga teacher, actress and content creator on a mission to ‘spread the healing power of yoga whilst exploring this marvellous planet’ – yep, you’ll struggle to find anyone quite as effortlessly cool as Daisy Tonge.
Originally from the UK, this Insta yogi star has been travelling and working remotely around the world for the past 5 years, uploading breathtaking poses in crazy, beautiful and awe-inspiring destinations as she goes.
We were thrilled to grab 5 minutes with Daisy to chat about how yoga has enhanced her health and wellbeing and why fuelling her body with nourishing foods like Purition plays such a vital role.
How you did you get into yoga?
My first class was in Thailand around ten years ago. It wasn’t until about five years ago, after joining a yoga studio in Madrid, that I started to practice regularly and delve deeper into practice.
How does yoga influence you physically and mentally?
Yoga has become the foundation of my movement practices. It’s my go-to for building strength, flexibility and mobility. Mentally, it allows me to turn inwards and connect with myself.
For you personally, what are the top 3 health benefits of yoga?
1. Self-awareness
2. Relief from stress and anxiety
3. Connection to mind, body and soul

What impact can diet and nutrition have on yoga practice?
If I’m fuelling my body with nourishing foods, then my body wants to move in sync.
If I’m eating unhealthily, I generally don’t want to work out. But if I’m fuelling my body with nourishing foods, then my body wants to move in sync. I choose to eat well because it allows me to feel my best. I avoid gluten, dairy and I generally don’t eat refined sugar. Life is short, so I don’t deprive myself of anything I want – it’s all about balance.
What does a day of eating look like for you?
I practice intermittent fasting and have my first meal a little later in the day. For breakfast, I’ll eat scrambled egg, spinach and avocado. Later it’s generally a big salad with fresh greens, nuts, sweet potato and tofu. For dinner I love a warming, hearty soup. Throughout the day I’ll have nuts and fruits as snacks and a lot of water!
You’ve been trying out Purition; what do you think so far?
It’s delicious! I love that the wholefood ingredients are completely natural and there’s no added sugar. There’s a great range of flavours too.
I haven’t tried many protein powders, simply because so many are filled with sugar or other artificial ingredients. So, when the opportunity to try a natural protein like Purition came about, I was really excited!
What’s your best advice for anyone looking to improve their health and lifestyle?
Find an activity that you love, and it won’t feel like you’re ‘working out’
Do that activity with a friend and you’ll feel inspired to keep going. Find the foods that work for your body by keeping a food journal – you’ll soon learn which foods don’t work for you or which make you feel light and full of energy.

Quick-fire round...
Yoga in 3 words? Healing, lifestyle, powerful.
Favourite healthy snack? Dairy-free chocolate mousse – one avocado, one banana, cocoa powder and some water. I usually add goji berries, mulberries and flack seed as toppings. It tastes amazing!
Best place you’ve ever done yoga? The birthplace of yoga – Rishikesh, India. The energy of yoga is everywhere there; in the people, in nature and in every bustling street.
Go-to post-yoga meal? I’m such a fan of raw, light food – so usually a salad.
Favourite ever book? The Power of Now – by Eckhart Tolle.
Dream Purition flavour? My favourite is Vegan Vanilla, but how delicious would a Caramel Purition be? Yum!
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