Real food. Real energy.

Real Results

Running demands more than just calories - it needs proper nutrition. Purition is made from whole food ingredients like almonds, chia seeds, and flax, giving you long-lasting energy without the spikes and crashes of processed foods.

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Fuel that lasts

Slow-release energy from whole nuts and seeds to power your run without the sugar crash.

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Easy on the tummy

Easy to digest before, during, or after your run.

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Supports recovery

Rich in protein, fibre, and healthy fats to help rebuild muscle and aid recovery.

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Nothing artificial

No artificial flavours, processed sugars, or additives—just real food.

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Get started with your

Runners Welcome Pack

14x Purition Servings


see flavours

Original Pack:

2x Banana, 1x Strawberry, Macadamia & Vanilla, Cherry Bakewell, Choc & Hazelnut, Chocolate, Almond & Orange, Coconut, Coffee & Walnut, Choc Orange, Pistachio, Almond, Mixed Berry.

Vegan Pack:

3x Strawberry, Vanilla, 2x Cherry Bakewell, Chocolate, Coffee & Walnut, Mixed Berry




10% Welcome Discount


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saving £5.79 + free delivery